Landfill Biogas Solutions

Leading the charge towards a greener future

LMS Energy is at the forefront of methane abatement and renewable energy solutions.

Partnering with nearly 50 local councils and landfill owners across almost 70 sites, LMS is one of Australia’s largest and most experienced methane abatement and bioenergy companies.

Powered by the expertise of our people, we proudly deliver world-class methane abatement and renewable energy solutions for the waste sector, supporting landfill operators to significantly reduce their carbon emissions on site

As organic waste in landfills decomposes, it naturally produces landfill biogas which contains the potent greenhouse gas methane, which needs to be captured and destroyed. That’s where LMS comes in.

Our industry-leading biogas systems capture landfill biogas before it reaches the atmosphere, reducing methane emissions and reducing costs for councils and their residents.

We design, install, operate and monitor biogas extraction systems located on the landfill, which are complemented by biogas flaring systems and/or biogas power systems. These systems, as well as our leachate pumping services, are all designed in-house and manufactured in Australia.

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Biogas Flaring Systems

LMS Energy’s biogas flares are unique to Australia – designed and manufactured in-house by our expert team of engineers, fabricators, electricians and environmentalists for the clean combustion of methane. These flares enable LMS to accurately measure biogas flows and the amount of methane destroyed. These flares reduce emissions from the landfill and enable LMS to generate carbon credits under the Federal Government’s Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme.

Larger sites that generate enough biogas to be able to convert it to renewable energy, still use biogas flares to destroy surplus biogas that is not utilised in the power generation process. This ensures LMS' projects provide greater environmental and financial benefits for our partners.

The LMS biogas flare is designed to be low maintenance, easy to transport, highly reliable and secure. With more than 100 currently operating in Australia and overseas, these unique flares are proven to operate reliably and, importantly, safely for many years.

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Biogas Power Systems

LMS extracts biogas from landfills and converts it into renewable energy at more than 35 bioenergy facilities across Australia, New Zealand and the United States.

LMS manages the development of world class bioenergy facilities from the initial concept stage through to the export of renewable energy. These power stations incorporate LMS’ proprietary generator modules, which achieve industry-leading power availability rates.

LMS provides a complete in-house service across our Engineering, Construction and Operations teams to ensure these fully integrated facilities are successfully commissioned. LMS’ generator modules are also built in a modular format, enabling them to operate independently at a particular site and easily be relocated.

Maintenance services are provided by experienced and qualified personnel 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Computerised and online monitoring capabilities further ensure maximum operational hours and environmental compliance.

Currently, LMS owns and operates 80 generator modules across Australia. These facilities generate more than 600,000 megawatt hours of baseload renewable electricity each year – enough to power more than 100,000 homes. These bioenergy facilities provide secure, baseload electricity to local communities.

We are passionate about protecting the environment while supplying clean, reliable energy.

Leachate Pumping Services

LMS offers its leachate pumping service on landfill, capturing and containing this highly hazardous liquid that is produced by a combination of rainfall passing through the site and through the breakdown of organic matter.

Once the leachate is collected, it is then extracted from the bottom of the landfill and pumped to the surface so it can be appropriately treated to protect the environment. This complex process minimises hazardous materials and reduces pollutants contained within the leachate. Effective management of leachate levels also helps landfill owners to comply with local environmental protection agency obligations.

Our leachate services help our project partners to best manage leachate extraction infrastructure and provide a best-in-class pump service, which includes installation, operation and monitoring, monthly reporting and annual servicing.

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