Circular Economy

Working Towards a Circular Future

LMS Energy believes a sustainable future requires the world to transition away from a ‘take, make, use and dispose’ economy towards a circular approach where resources are valued and retained for as long as possible, waste and pollution are avoided, and nature regeneration is supported. 

However, while waste is still being generated and the appropriate recycling schemes are still being developed, it’s vital that the potent greenhouse gases that landfills produce are captured and destroyed. 

As it stands, Australians are sending 28 million tonnes of waste to landfill each year. Even if landfills stop receiving waste tomorrow, they will still produce emissions for decades to come. Methane abatement is an important climate strategy to reduce the impact of this waste. 

Transforming waste into opportunity: LMS Energy pioneers methane abatement technologies, turning environmental challenges into sustainable solutions.  

When it comes to renewable energy, not even waste is being wasted.