
The history of LMS can be traced back to 1982 when Emanuel Falzon pioneered the collection and conversion of landfill biogas-to-energy in Australia. Today, LMS retains the strong family values that led to its original success while driving innovation in new technologies.

Emanuel Falzon established the Falzon Brick Company in Adelaide in 1966. His original intention was to find an alternative fuel source for the brick kilns. By utilising gas from an old landfill adjacent to the family brickyard to generate electricity, he pioneered Australia’s first commercial landfill biogas project.

This led to the establishment of the Falzon Landfill Gas Company in 1988, the first organisation in Australia to concentrate entirely on landfill biogas-to-energy technology. Over the years, management were involved in the design, construction and installation of numerous landfill biogas fuelled power generation facilities in Australia and throughout Asia. LMS was established in 1996 and with Sims Metal Management (Sims) acquiring a stake in 2001, LMS was provided with financial strength and stability for future growth.

In 2023, Sims’ stake in LMS was acquired by Pacific Equity Partners (PEP).

Some of our proudest achievements and innovations include (but are not limited to):  

  • 1982: First company to capture biogas for fuel use
  • 1988: First to purify biogas for injection into the local gas network
  • 1993: First biogas-to-electricity plant connected to the grid
  • 2005-2016: Growth of Australia’s largest biogas portfolio 
  • 2017: Australia's first pilot solar project built on a landfill 
  • 2019: Australia’s first grid-scale solar project built on a landfill 
  • 2019: Australia's first electric vehicle supercharger powered by bioenergy 
  • 2023: Australian-first pilot dry anaerobic digestion technology for organic waste

LMS has a culture of innovation instilled within the company’s DNA – as evidenced by achieving several ‘Australian firsts’ – enabling LMS to become the most experienced landfill biogas-to-energy company in Australia. 

Our reputation and 40-year track record are unmatched in the industry as we relentlessly pursue innovation to benefit both our project partners and the community alike.