
LMS’ Carbon Team manages the creation of more than 2.3 million Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) across 60 projects every year, the largest portfolio of Landfill Gas (LFG) projects of any Australian company. The team has unparalleled knowledge and experience in managing projects registered under the Federal Government’s ACCU Scheme (LFG Methods) and is at the forefront of LFG policy and method development. 

ACCUs have a vital role to play in helping Australia achieve its emission reduction targets and are part of the solution on the pathway to transitioning to a low carbon future. 

An ACCU is a unit issued by the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) that represents one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2-e) stored or avoided by an eligible project registered under the ACCU Scheme. 

The ACCU Scheme encourages people and businesses to run projects that reduce emissions or store carbon by providing financial incentives. The Scheme has enabled LMS to invest in carbon abatement projects at around 60 landfill sites across the country. 

LMS' bioenergy and flaring facilities located around Australia prevent nearly 5 million tonnes of CO2-e from being emitted into the atmosphere each year – equivalent to removing 1.6 million cars from the road! 

The ACCUs issued to LMS projects under the ACCU Scheme’s LFG Methods are of the highest integrity and provide many benefits, including greenhouse gas abatement which is:

ACCU Trading

The ACCUs issued to LMS projects can be purchased by entities in both the voluntary and compliance sectors to offset emissions in their own decarbonisation journeys. There are many hard to abate industries in our economy, where the technology needed to decarbonise may not currently exist. The ACCUs these entities purchase offset their emissions whilst also providing funding to scale up carbon abatement projects in Australia.

LMS Energy Pty Ltd (ACN 059 428 474) is an authorised representative, number 431336, of Navitus Pty Ltd (ACN 119 331 118), which holds Australian Financial Services Licence number 425609.